The Company Store launches Blanket Fort challenge

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Atlanta – The Company Store is putting a fun and interactive twist on a new charity drive.


The direct-to-consumer retailer’s “Build A Fort & Help a Family in Need” initiative invites consumers to build a blanket fort and take a picture of it, then share the image on Instagram with the hashtag #BlanketFortChallenge.


articipants who also tag the photo @TheCompanyStore and invite three friends to participate are entered into a contest to will $1,000 in gift cards from the retailer.


For every entry, The Company Store will donate $10 to the Ronald McDonald House of New York to help families battling pediatric cancer.


Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the retailer has also done its part to give back to first responders, healthcare workers and others in need, donating more than $1.2 million worth of product to various hospitals, homeless shelters, and mask-making initiatives throughout the country.


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